Repeat Prescriptions
Please request your repeat prescription online or in person.
Telephone requests will only be available to patients on our housebound or vulnerable list.
This is inline with latest NHS guidance around safe prescribing.
Ways to request a repeat prescription:
If you have any special requirements please contact us on 01457 872228 to discuss these. Please note we do not accept requests for repeat prescriptions from pharmacies.
How long will it take?
Please give us two full working days to process any repeat prescriptions. Also, please take note of the time allowed before a review of your repeat prescription is necessary. If you request an item that is not authorised as a repeat, this will take longer to process as approval will have to be sought from a doctor.
Where do I collect the Prescription from?
Prescriptions can be collected from Uppermill surgery or from one of the local pharmacies.
Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)
If you get regular prescriptions EPS may be able to save you time by saving you unnecessary trips to your GP. EPS allows your prescription to be sent directly to your pharmacy. If you would like to use this service, please discuss with your chosen pharmacy.
For more information visit NHS choices EPS