Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Saddleworth Medical Practice CQC Rating ...

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Saddleworth Medical Practice
CQC overall rating



About CQC Inspections…

We are the regulator of health and social care in England.

All providers of regulated health and social care services have a legal responsibility to make sure they are meeting essential standards of quality and safety. These are the standards everyone should be able to expect when they receive care.

The essential standards are described in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations2009. We regulate against these standards, which we sometimes describe as "government standards".

We carry out unannounced inspections of all care homes, acute hospitals and domiciliary care services in England at least once a year to judge whether or not the essential standards are being met. We carry out inspections of other services less often. All of our inspections are unannounced unless there is a good reason to let the provider know we are coming.

Our inspectors use professional judgement, supported by objective measures and evidence, to assess services against our five key questions: 

  •         Are they safe?
  •         Are they effective?
  •         Are they caring?
  •         Are they responsive to people’s needs?
  •         Are they well-led?

To direct the focus of the inspection, the inspection team use a standard set of key lines of enquiry (KLOEs).

When we inspect, we always visit and we do things like observe how people are cared for, and we talk to people who use the service, to their carers and to staff. We also review information we have gathered about the provider, check the service's records and check whether the right systems and processes are in place.

We focus on whether or not the provider is meeting the standards and we are guided by whether people are experiencing the outcomes they should be able to expect when the standards are being met. By outcomes we mean the impact care has on the health, safety and welfare of people who use the service, and the experience they have whilst receiving it.

Our inspectors judge if any action is required by the provider of the service to improve the standard of care being provided. Where providers are non-compliant with the regulations, we take enforcement action against them. If we require a service to take action, or if we take enforcement action, we re-inspect it before its next routine inspection was due. This could mean we re-inspect a service several times in one year. We also might decide to re-inspecta service if new concerns emerge about it before the next routine inspection.

In between inspections we continually monitor information we have about providers. The information comes from the public, the provider, other organisations, and from care workers.

Saddleworth Medical Practice registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in December 2012. 


Statement of Purpose...

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 every registered provider must have a Statement of Purpose. 

A Statement of Purpose is a document which includes a standard required set of information about a service.  The Statement describes:

  • The Provider's aims and objectives in providing the service
  • The kinds of service provided
  • The health or care needs the service sets out to meet
  • The locations where the services are actually provided or provided from
  • Details from the provider including their legal status, and any manager, including the 'address for service' for all registered persons.

Our Statement of Purpose can be found in the document Statement of Purpose


Working with Patients...

Please find below how the CQC works with your patient group to improve the quality of service offered by Saddleworth Medical Practice and to ensure that we practice in a safe manner: 

CQC: How we work with Patient Participation Groups


Disclosure of Information...

As from April 2013 the Care Quality Commission expects to inspect general practices every two years. As part of their inspection the CQC will talk to staff and patients and may gather information from patients.

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 the CQC has the power to access documents and information, including patient records. However, the CQC’s Code of practice states that it will only obtain personal confidential information when it is necessary to do so.

Therefore, as part of the CQC inspection process Saddleworth Medical Practice may occasionally need to disclose identifiable information but this will usually be done with consent and, wherever possible, we will provide anonymised information so that individual patients are not identified.


Lead Practice Personnel...

Dr Ian Milnes is the registered manager with the CQC for the practice and Tracy Jenkinson (Practice Manager) is his deputy within the practice


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