What is Self Care?
Self Care is the actions that individuals take for themselves, on behalf of and with others in order to develop, protect, maintain and improve their health, wellbeing or wellness.
In other words Self Care is about looking after yourself in a healthy way. It can be anything from brushing your teeth, doing some exercise, managing common conditions (like headaches, colds and flu) or living with a long-term health problem, such as asthma or diabetes.
Self Care for healthy living
Living well is important for everyone. It means eating healthily, exercising regularly, quitting smoking and drinking in moderation.
To find out more visit http://www.nhs.uk/livewell
Self Care for common conditions
Self Care can help you manage common conditions.
The Self Care Forum has produced fact sheets on common ailments. The fact sheets contain information about what to expect, what to do, and when to seek medical help.
To find out more visit http://www.selfcareforum.org/fact-sheets or collect a fact sheet from our reception.
Self Care for long-term conditions
Self Care can help you feel, supported, informed, and confident if you are living with a long term condition.
It can help you find out information about your condition, give you tips on working in partnership with the practice to plan for your needs, and ideas on how you can meet other people who have the same condition.
To find out more about what is available for you speak to your Long Term Condition Nurse at the practice.
Why we are committed to Self Care
The practice and Patient Participation Group are committed to Self Care as we believe more needs to be done to support people to better look after their own health.
Empowering individual to Self Care has many benefits to their short and long term health.
Helping people to look after their own health, and their family’s health also helps manage demand on the health service.
Self Care Year
Saddleworth Medical Practice will be using Self Care Week to launch our Self Care Year!
Throughout the year the practice and Patient Participation Group will focus on different aspect of Self Care. The first area we will focus on is Winter Health.
To find out more visit www.nhs.uk/selcare or take a look at our waiting room displays.
Early Help
The Oldham Early Help programme is delivered by the Oldham Together partnership of Positive Steps, Oldham Council, Threshold Housing, Hope Citadel CIC and Associate Partners.
Free help to stop smoking!
We provide a free service to anyone who would like to stop smoking within Oldham!
Stopping smoking can be a life changing experience. There are lots of products available to help with the nicotine addiction such as patches, gum as inhalers.
Our advisors can explain how each product works so that can decided what will be bbest for you.
Free Childcare for 2 year olds
If you have a two year old child and would like to check whether you are eligible for free childcare
Free help for you and your family
Do you or a family member need practical help to take control of your life?
If you and your family have difficulties such as housing, money, parenting, confidence looking for work or wan to improve any area of your life?
We can provide you with an allocated Engagement Worker to help you develop the skills to help yourself. There are different levels of support available depending on what you want to work on- and it’s all free!